Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Heroes in a half shell. Turtle Power!

The Daddy of the house had a birthday last week.  He generally prefers this to be a non-event.  However, when your kids are at the age where birthdays cannot exist without cake and parties, you get a party whether you want it or not.

This was the case for Matt.  The kids heard us talking about his upcoming birthday and decided that they needed to take action.  Natalie is positive that her dad just absolutely loves Hello Kitty, so it was only fitting that he had a Hello Kitty cake.  Joey has recently discovered the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and really thought that we needed party hats.  He and I went shopping the day before the party and he put quite a lot of thought into picking out paper products and favors  We ended up with Ninja Turtle plates, cups and masks, Toy Story napkins, rubber bugs and party blowers for everyone. 

Party blowers and rubber bugs.  It doesn't get any better than that!

The event itself was small and brief.  The guest list consisted of Matt's parents and my dad and the whole party took about an hour and a half.  It was the best party I can remember.  Simple, laid back and fun.  Even the grandparents got in on the masks and everyone enjoyed a nice piece of kitty cake from a local bakery.  

Who is that masked man?
Big Ron as Leonardo

Mayno & Dennis as Raphael & Michelangelo

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! I always loved the ninja turtles. The kids & I watched the original movie a few weekends ago on a dreary Sunday while Mitch had a construction plan consult going on at our table. It was hilarious to watch again after all these years. I first saw it in the Bemidji, MN.. before it hit our local theater. Gosh, now I'm not only feeling old because of the movie & how aged it is, but to think that the local mall theater doesn't even exist anymore, and hasn't for years!
    Ufda! Well, to bring all these thoughts of age full circle -
    Happy belated birthday to Matt! Nice work on the party. :)
