So, I've had this jar of chokecherry juice in my freezer since August. I've been meaning to make it into jam/jelly. I finally did it today. Possibly my best chokecherry creation to date.
This is not a true, pure straight up chokecherry jam. I also had a handful of frozen strawberries leftover from some Christmas Jam I made, at you guessed it, Christmas.
I thought they sounded like a good combo, so I thawed them out and put them in with the chokecherries. But then I ran into my classic jam dilemma. Just too much for a four jar batch and not quite enough for a six jar batch. (I use the Ball brand pectin with the flex-batch recipe on it) I can't just pour out that extra half cup of precious chokecherry/strawberry mix. Nope that would be wrong. Immoral. Possibly illegal. So I think for a minute. I dig around in the freezer. Then, I find it. A bag of frozen raspberries. I add another 3/4 of a cup or so, enough to that my measurement comes up to that magic 4-cup line on the measuring pitcher. The results are just plain wonderful.
Here's the "recipe" for my clean out the freezer jam. I think I'll call it Cherry Berry Jam. That sounds good.
Cherry Berry Jam
makes 6 half pint jars full
2 1/2 cups chokecherry juice
1 1/2 cup total strawberries and raspberries, crushed.
1 cup water
9 teaspoons lemon juice
4 1/2 tablespoons low sugar pectin (I use Ball brand)
1 1/2 cups sugar
Mix everything except the sugar together in a big pot. A Dutch oven sized pot will do nicely.
Bring to a rolling boil.
Add sugar all at once.
Bring back to a boil and boil hard for 1 minute.
Ladle into hot jars. Adjust two-piece caps.
Process in a hot water bath for 10 minutes.
Enjoy :)
Enjoy :)
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