Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Chicken Post

We have a new baby at our house!  One fluffy little Araucana chick was hatched a about two weeks ago now. We think its a baby girl chick.  Yay!  This little one is the first one we have ever had hatch at our house.  We usually go into the local fleet supply store in the spring and pick out a few new babies to add to the flock.  This year, we have both a rooster and a broody hen, so we thought we'd give it a shot and see what we came up with.  We've had chickens for years, but never a broody hen while we had a rooster around.  The only other time we had a broody hen, she almost starved to death trying to hatch a golf ball.  (You don't raise chickens 'cause they're smart.)  The kids are very excited to show their friends the new little peeper, and ok, the grownups are too.  Which might be why I feel compelled to blog about it...

She is starting to get her first grownup feathers along her wings.  I can't wait to see what color she's going to be.  The fun thing about Araucanas is that they are all different colors.  They aren't a "true" breed, so they don't have definite characteristics other than that they lay colored eggs.  They are sometimes called Easter Eggers because they lay eggs in pastel colors.  Each hen will always lay the same color eggs, but if you have 2 or more in the same flock, they may all lay different colors of eggs.  Ours are mostly shades of soft green, but some are more blue and one is a bit on the creamy almost pink side.  Cool huh?  Ok, chicken class dismissed.

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