Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wanderings- The Frog Hunt

With the arrival of spring we've been spending a lot more time outside.  Every day it seems there is something new to see.

One evening last week, we took the kids for a "frog hunt" down a nearby logging/hunting trail.  We had been hearing the frogs singing for a few days by this time and the kids were dying to catch some.  With nets and buckets in hand, we set out to see what we could see.  We did catch one wood frog (thanks to a daddy with sharp eyes and quick reflexes).  

But, we saw so much more.  Water spiders, fiddlehead fern shoots, deer scat, frog eggs, a female wood duck, tiny white flowers, wild strawberry plants, a buck scrape and a funny daddy climbing a tree like a monkey. 

The evening started out as a search for the elusive singing frogs and ended as a game of being Grizzly bears.  For some reason, this particular area had seemingly hundreds of dry poles from two feet to eight feet tall.  The kids got the biggest kick out of pretending to be bears knocking down trees.  Naturally, the batteries died in my camera before we got to that part of the trip.

We were only out for about an hour and a half, but we covered a lot of ground.  For me, the best part is always watching Matt in his element, teaching the kids what he knows about nature.

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