The seeds Natalie and I planted a few months ago have done remarkably well. As in, they GREW! This has never happened for me before. A few days ago, I moved them out to a makeshift cold frame to harden off. Some of the biggest ones were ready to plant, so they went into Natalie's little barrel garden. The big garden isn't ready yet.
Natalie's little barrel garden with grape tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, nasturtiums , zinnias and creeping jenny (on the left). |
The chicks are completely feathered out and have moved into the coop with the big chickens. Egg production is up. Probably as high as we've ever had. We've been getting about 6-8 eggs every day and we have twelve adult hens. I'm pretty sure that my dear little Peg doesn't lay anymore, so I figure eleven layers. Some of them are pretty old too. So, not too bad.
Our little ladies peeking out into the yard. The one in front is a Rhode Island Red and the stripey one is a Marans. They are roughly half grown. |
The flowers are coming up. A cluster of yellow mini daffodils bloomed all last week, and the regular daffodils are in bloom at the moment and I think there will be bleeding hearts very soon. The real treat is going to be when the crab apples and lilacs bloom. They make the whole neighborhood smell wonderful.
I even found ants already hard at work on peony buds this morning. I love peonies. Maybe even as much as Matt loves them, and I'm so happy to have them again after so long. (We used to have peonies growing all along the side of the house and they got ruined by a careless contractor).
If you look closely, you can see tiny red ants working their way around the bud. Yay, peonies! |
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