We had a really great weekend. So peaceful and wonderful that I hated to re-enter the world of work and scheduling today. So what was so wonderful? Spending time together as a family. Just the four of us working together on some outdoor springtime projects at home. We got a big piece of our yard cleaned up and burned off so that we will have a nice clear area to build the kids playhouse. We worked together to build a little pen for our broody hen and her clutch of eggs where she can safely hatch them out away from the other hens. We tilled and plucked many a weed plant from our gardens. Natalie and I went for a bike ride and took pictures of random things around our neighborhood. The kids helped me weed the flower bed. We grilled steaks. Natalie found a wild bunny, Joey gave us a giggle at his idea of outdoor cap-gun shooting attire. We enjoyed each others' company. We were a team. We worked and played together for two whole days. I don't know if it can get better than that.
Matt working the tiller. Mulching in lots of leaves and old chicken bedding. |
Natalie plucking weeds and worms. |
Joey collecting firewood. |
cowslips just starting to bloom. |
pussy willows going to seed. |
An old barn on the corner. I could take pictures of it all day. |
The new bunny. Not sure how long we'll have him, but he's here fore as long as he likes. |
Joey's fancy outfit. Laplander hat, Woody & Buzz pj shirt, Nemo underwear, polka dot slippers and a cap gun. |
sounds like the PERFECT weekend! man I wish I lived closer to you guys :( LOVE Joeys outfit...what a cutie! love the post, thanks for the smile, miss you.