Today is Tuesday. Just an average day.
When I thought I'd write, I was planning to focus on how many different (figurative ) hats I wore today. But then I thought, no, this was not an average day. This was an exceptional day.
It was exceptional because we had an awesome morning. Like I didn't think MY kids were capable of getting out the door so peacefully and efficiently.
Nobody cried, not even me.
Everybody had all their stuff, including a slice of pumpkin bread and a cup of milk (coffee for mom) to eat on the way.
We were on time.
Nobody cut me off in the school drop off line.
The guy behind me didn't even flip me off for stopping in the middle of the street to avoid a family of squirrels involved in a heated domestic dispute. Maybe he was watching them with a grin too.
I had time to run a few quick errands and take a short, but brisk walk around the block before starting my workday.
I figured out how to solve a problem that I've been dealing with for two days at work, with help from my boss, but we got it done.
We ate dinner before 8 pm. And it wasn't cold cereal.
Both kids got all their homework done. Not the easiest task in the world. And they're only in elementary school, Lord help me when they get to high school!
One kid got a bath.
Backpacks are ready, the coffee pot is set to wake me up in the morning and the laundry is folded.
Kids are tucked into bed. Time for the Mister to take one of his 45 minute showers and wash off the grease and grit of the day. Time for this mama to put her feet up with a warm cup of apple cinnamon tea and a book.
Maybe I'll even finish this book so I can return it to the friend I borrowed it from. It has been a good read. Different than I was expecting, but worth reading.
I know I will sleep well tonight.
Here's to ordinary yet exceptional days. :)