As we get nearer to Christmas, I start looking ahead to what comes next. I love Christmas and all the cozy things that go with it. Winter feels warmer in the month of December. I have no meteorological evidence of this, it just seems that way because everybody is in a good mood and there are smells of yummy food and pine everywhere.
Then comes January. All the warm coziness of the holidays and their decorations get packed up for another year. As much as I love decorating for the holidays, I equally enjoy the putting away of all the extra stuff in the house. Everything feels clean and tidy, especially after all the Christmas presents find homes and get put away.
In January, my oven gets a break. There is nothing left to can, no cookies to bake. I can just enjoy the quiet of winter. I fully intend to get some reading done and practice knitting some more. I'd like to actually complete something, even if it is only a dish cloth.
I am not a big "New Year's Resolution" person. I think one can make a change at any time with no need to wait for the new year to begin. However, I do have some things to work on starting with January. More because it is a new month than because it is a new year though. I am looking forward to getting my household budget back on track. I have really slacked off on this and it shows.
I am going to get myself set up with a day planner and keep track of which bills are due when and pay them all on time every single month. This may lead to some tight(er) weeks, but it will be worth it to have the peace of mind that everything is taken care of.
This year has not been a bad one overall. Things have mostly gone smoothly in my everyday life. However, I always get excited for a new year to come and wonder what lies ahead.
Wishing you peace, prosperity and good health in 2013.